The Poisoning
I was called to a neighborhood to help a down pregnant cat, she died later the next day at the emergency vet, along with her premature kitten.
It was clear almost all the neighbors are huge animal lovers and have been feeding a feral cat colony for a few years now . This one neighbor however cannot stand them and has been very vocal about it.
This last month two of the cats started acting funny. We took them to the emergency vet only to learn they had suspected poisoning and there was nothing we could do but end their suffering. We thought of that neighbor, but wanting to give the benefit of doubt, we dismissed it as an accident. However two weeks ago a third pregnant cat acted the same exact way and another vet visit confirmed suspected poisoning and required euthanasia .
We now no longer think it’s a freak accident. Several neighbors want to call animal control and report the cat hating neighbor. However they have no proof, only a hunch based on past interactions and past experiences.
The most important lesson to be learned is that cats belong indoors, where they can be kept safe away from the many perils of the great outdoors.

Broken Teeth Broken Spirits
We took in a mother cat and her three kittens, because the owner’s husband was threatening to box them up and throw them in the wash. If his wife didn’t get rid of them. I think this is totally unacceptable.
During intake we discovered that the mother cat’s whiskers had been burned off and her kittens all had bloody mouths and broken teeth. When I expressed my surprise and anger, he acted as though it was a joke. He really didn’t see anything wrong with burning and beating animals.
The good part of this sad story, is that all four cats are now living with our wonderful foster Lorri who is showering them with love. They are living in a cozy upstairs bedroom in Beverly Hills. They all like to sit on the window box and look out over the trees and chatter at the birds.
Through Lori’s kindness and patients they are learning that humans can be kind and aren’t all monsters.
They have been dewormed, deflead, and vaccinated. We are however waiting for their veterinary appointments where we will carefully document their condition, and report any suspected animal abuse to animal control.
Then they will be available for adoption.